Where can I find resources to start my climate career?

Discover climate action networks, learning opportunities, and expert tips for transitioning to a career in sustainability.

Ready to make an impact on the climate crisis? You’ve come to the right place!  Cooper Marcus, CEO and Chief Quitter at QuitCarbon, has curated a selection of valuable resources to help you get started.


Engage with these vibrant communities through their Slack channels and more:


Job Hunting

Keep Your Current Job - and Become a Climate "Intrapreneur"

What’s a climate intrapreneur, and how can you be one? Climate expert Digby Hall explains how you can shift the needle on climate from within your current workplace to make a real difference. His advice?

  1. Start a group chat to connect with like-minded colleagues
  2. Identify and ally with climate-conscious decision-makers
  3. Build a business case demonstrating a tangible, evidence-backed return for the business
  4. Don’t lead with climate; focus on business risks to engage leadership (such as infrastructure, greenwashing and loss of great staff)
  5. Identify the potential blockers and engage them directly 
  6. Set achievable, step-by-step targets 

Additional Resources 

Need more guidance? Our team at QuitCarbon is always happy to chat. Contact us at any time.